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Sniff This: The Ultimate Guide On How To Describe A Smell

Last Updated:
September 5, 2024

The nose can recognise more than one trillion distinct scents.

The sense of smell is incredibly powerful. It can evoke memories and emotions, and sometimes we even use smells to describe things we can't see.

But what do we do when we want to describe a smell to someone else? How can we accurately capture the aroma of a rose or the fragrance of a newly-washed shirt in words?

Describing scents can be frustrating, I know. Which is why I’ve written this article diving into how we can describe smells effectively as well as compiled a word list of scent-related words.

Photo by Elly Johnson on Unsplash

What exactly is a smell?

A smell is created when molecules interact with the receptors in our nose.

These molecules can come from anything: foods, drinks, plants, flowers, pets, and even people. Once the molecules reach our nose, they interact with the receptors in our nose, which send a signal to our brain. This is what we perceive as smell.

Our sense of smell is directly connected to the brain's limbic system, which is responsible for controlling our emotions and memory. That's why certain smells can take us back to a certain time or place in an instant.

The sense of smell is often overlooked, but it is one of the most powerful ways to evoke memories and emotions.

Different types of smells

You might be tempted to say "it smells like a rose," but that's not very helpful to someone who doesn’t know what a rose smells like. Also, there are different types of rose scents— musky, floral, sweet, and the list goes on.

different types of smell
Photo by Drop the Label Movement on Unsplash

When you come across a smell that you can't quite put your finger on, try to identify which category it falls into. This will give you a place to start when describing it to others.

“All smells can be classified as one of 10 types of aroma.”

After years of research, scientists have concluded that 10 is the minimum number of categories that they can categorise scent into:fragrant, woody/resinous, fruity (non-citrus), chemical, minty/peppermint, sweet, popcorn, lemon, pungent and decayed.

Categorising a scent is just the tip of the iceberg. A lot more can be done to immerse your reader’s imagination.

How do you describe a smell in writing?

Photo by Mulyadi on Unsplash

When describing a smell, try to think about all the different aspects of it. What does it remind you of? What sensations does it evoke?

The more specific you can be when writing, the easier it will be for your readers to visualize and understand what you are trying to communicate. Using a dictionary can help you find the precise words and meanings that accurately convey your thoughts. However, there is no one right answer to describe a smell. It's all about using your sensory words to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind.

Here are some approaches you can take when starting to think about how to describe a smell.

1. A smell is often described with adjectives

We often smell things before we see them, and smells can evoke incredibly strong memories and emotions. That's why we use adjectives to describe smells— they create a vivid picture in our minds.

Adjectives can also help us communicate our reactions to smells. For example, if you walk into a room and smell cinnamon, you might say "that's a cozy smell." If the smell is unpleasant, you might say "that room reeks!”

These adjectives are used to describe the smell's intensity, it's qualities, or how it makes you feel.

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2. Categorizing them according to the 5 cardinal tastes

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Qualities of a smell can be broken down into the five cardinal tastes: sweetness, sourness, bitterness, saltiness, and umami. You can’t exactly smell these, but you can experience the sensation of these tastes.

This is how you might describe these smells when writing:

  • Sweet: sugary, saccharine, sickly
  • Sour: balsamic, tart, acidic
  • Bitter: earthy, roasted, powdery
  • Salty: aquatic, marine, ocean
  • Umami: meaty, savory

3. Diving into the nuances of scent

You could also try to describe the nuances of the scent: what are the individual notes that make up the overall aroma?

Some adjectives to describe the nuances of scent:

  • Flowers: soft, delicate, powdery
  • Citrus fruits: tangy, tart, acidic
  • Woods: earthy, musky, deep
  • Spices: warm, fragrant, inviting

4. Describing a Scent by Intensity

You can also describe a scent by its intensity: is it light and airy, or heavy and earthy?

Words to describe intense smells:

  • Stench
  • Rich
  • Pungent
  • Pong
  • Harsh

Words to describe weak smells:

  • Wafting
  • Whiff
  • Subtle
  • Light
  • Wispy
  • Airy

5. Describing a Scent Using Feelings and Emotions

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Identifying feelings and emotions that a scent gives rise to can help make your description more evocative.

This helps with whether you want your smell to have a positive or negative connotation attached to it. For example, an intense smell may be “rancid” to some (negative connotation), and just “sharp” to others (neutral connotation)

  • Positive words might include "invigorating," "relaxing," and "energizing."
  • Negative words might be "stinky," "musty," and "foul.”

List of words to describe pleasant scents:

  1. ambrosial
  2. balmy
  3. balsamic
  4. bubbly
  5. crisp
  6. clean
  7. cool
  8. delicate
  9. delicious
  10. dewy
  11. exotic
  12. feminine
  13. fine
  14. fresh
  15. green
  16. gentle
  17. heady
  18. masculine
  19. natural
  20. peppery
  21. refreshing
  22. soft
  23. sparkly
  24. spicy
  25. smoky
  26. strange
  27. spicy
  28. tart
  29. warm
  30. zesty

List of words to describe bad smells:

  1. acrid
  2. cheap
  3. decaying
  4. fishy
  5. fetid
  6. funky
  7. foul
  8. frowsty
  9. heavy
  10. malodorous
  11. medicinal
  12. metallic
  13. musky
  14. musty
  15. naueseating
  16. noisome
  17. noxious
  18. overpowering
  19. overwhelming
  20. peculiar
  21. pungent
  22. putrid
  23. rancid
  24. rank
  25. reeking
  26. sickeningly sweet
  27. stale
  28. stinking
  29. sour
  30. suffocating

Of course, scents are not only categorised into pleasant and unpleasant smells. Let’s look at words describing some common smells to see how we can stimulate your imagination.

Words to describe the smell of rain

The smell of rain right after a storm is a scent that many of us are familiar with.

Petrichor (noun) the pleasant scent when rain falls on dry soil.

  1. Earthy
  2. Musky
  3. Fresh
  4. Sweet
  5. Crisp
  6. Damp
  7. Salty

Words to describe the smell of food

Assuming you're describing food that smells good, here are some adjectives you can use.

  1. Lively
  2. Aromatic
  3. Savory
  4. Mouthwatering
  5. Delectable
  6. Heavenly
  7. Flavorful
  8. Appetizing
  9. Satisfying
  10. Irresistible
  11. Fragrant
  12. Tasty
  13. Succulent
  14. Divine
  15. Tempting
  16. Scrumptious
  17. Yummy
  18. Rich
  19. Indulgent
  20. Nourishing

Words to describe the smell of alcohol in writing

The use of alcohol is pervasive, from being used as a disinfectant in hospitals, to being consumed in our drinks.

Words to describe the smell of alcohol in a hospital setting:

  1. Sharp
  2. Distinct
  3. Antiseptic
  4. Sterile
  5. Medicinal

Words to describe the smell of alcohol breath (drunkard’s breath)

  1. Rancid
  2. Sour
  3. Stale
  4. Rank
  5. Foul
  6. Fetid
  7. Reeking
  8. Noisome


Smell is one of the most evocative senses, conjuring memories and affecting moods faster than any other sense.

Whether you're describing a smell you love or trying to capture a scent for a creative project, it's important to know how to describe it in a way that accurately conveys its essence. When describing a smell, it's important to be as specific as possible, and to use adjectives that will help the reader to imagine the scent.

With these tips, you'll be able to capture any smell you encounter and make your readers feel like they can smell it too.

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Alex is a seasoned writer responsible for creating valuable, well-researched content for various industries like tech and ecommerce.

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